Endangered Golden Lion Tamarins in Brazil Get a Boost

A species of endangered monkey in Brazil is getting a boost from conservation efforts. The golden lion tamarin (mico-leão-dourado), a small, reddish-orange primate native to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, has seen its population increase by more than 50% since the 1980s.

The species was once on the brink of extinction due to deforestation and hunting. But thanks to conservation efforts, the population has grown from an estimated 400 individuals in the 1980s to more than 1,000 today.

The Brazilian government has taken steps to protect the species by creating protected areas and increasing enforcement of hunting laws. In addition, local communities have been involved in conservation efforts through education programs and reforestation projects.

The golden lion tamarin is also benefiting from captive breeding programs at zoos around the world. These programs have helped increase the number of individuals available for reintroduction into the wild. As a result, there are now more than 200 golden lion tamarins living in protected areas in Brazil.

Despite these successes, there is still much work to be done to ensure that this species survives for future generations. Conservationists are continuing their efforts to protect and restore the habitat for this unique primate and other endangered species in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest.